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Reflexology & Reiki with Katy

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Mobile treatments available in the comfort of your own home or in my treatment room in Norwich.  



My aim is to relax, de-stress and rebalance you to improve your sleep and help you achieve a happier and healthier you.

Release, Relax, Unwind



Katy  M.A.R. , R.N. 

My name is Katy and I am a fully qualified Reflexologist and Reiki therapist located in Norwich. I am also a Qualified Nurse and after working for over two decades, first as a Nurse, then lately in Management. I felt the need to return to a more caring role, and on impulse completed my first Reiki training and then in 2017 I completed a Certificate in Reflexology. I also completed in 2018 futher reflexology training to be able to offer Fertility & Maternity Reflexology .This is a start of a fascinating journey of discovery about holistic therapies and myself as a whole. I practice Light Touch Reflexology but will adapt my style to suit individual needs.


Reflexology treatments are available in the comfort of the treatment room in my home in Norwich . I am also mobile Reflexologist and provide mobile reflexology in Norwich however I also cover an area of 25 miles radius including Holt, Swaffham ,Great Yarmouth and Thetford. It's a great way to enjoy a wonderful treatment in your own home and not have to go anywhere afterwards!


Whatever your reason for seeking reflexology please contact me to see what will work best for you. Be assured I’ll give you a friendly and professional service dedicated totally to your individual needs.


I am planning to add more skills to my own personal development  by completing various courses or attending workshops. I will continue to offer taster sessions , so please call me for more details.


I am a full member of the Association of Reflexologists.     


I am now offering a referral and loyalty discount as follows: 


Refer a client and receive a 15% discount .



"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
 you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 


Reiki healing is a natural ,non-invasive therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well being to your Mind,Body and Spirit. It is an extremely powerful but gentle energy and can be channelled to yourself and others, just by intention. One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. When our energy is weakened or blocked, emotional or health problems might occur. Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as: emotional or physical trauma, injury, fear, worry, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk, destructive lifestyle or relationships.


Reiki is believed to:

•  Create deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,

•  It increase body self-healing abilities

•  Aids better sleep

•  Help to reduces blood pressure

 •  Helps relieve pain

 •  Removes energy blockages,  bringing the body into balance

and harmony

 •  Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins

 •  Supports the immune system

 •  Raises the vibration frequency of the body which may help to increases vitality and postpones the aging process

  •  Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing



A Reiki treatment lasts for about an hour, you will lie on the therapy bed fully clothed and covered with a blanket. I start at the head and l finish at the feet. Reiki works great when combined with conventional treatment as it accelerates the body's self-healing abilities.      

Reflexology is a holistic, non-intrusive therapy used to relieve tension and aid recovery from illness by applying gentle touch to different points on the feet and lower legs. It is based on the principle that there are reflex areas on the feet that connect via energy pathways to organs and systems in the entire body. The Reflexologist gently applies pressure or massages those reflex points. This is believed to unblock the channels of energy and stimulate the flow of energy that helps the body’s self-healing.



Reflexology is a caring and relaxing treatment given alongside but never instead of medical treatment. Reflexology is believed to:

  • Improve circulation to the feet

  • Help with stress and promote relaxation

  • Help relieve tension and pain

  • Improve sleep patter

Reflexology is suitable for everyone , from children through to the elderly, with different conditions. Whether you are suffering with stress, anxiety or depression, are enduring pain or ill health, have menstrual or menopausal problems, sport injuries, or just having to cope with a busy life style and want a little space for rejuvenating.



At your first session you will be asked some questions about yourself, your health and life style to assist with tailoring the treatment for your own needs. The treatment can be carried out while you sit on the couch or in a comfortable chair and offered a blanket for warmth and comfort. Only footwear and shoes needs to be removed and you might be asked to wear loose fitting trousers or a skirt as these may be more comfortable during the treatment.

The effects of reflexology are unique to each person. Most of people experience a sense of well being and relaxation. You might find your tension is reduced and you might sleep better after treatment. 



While one treatment is worth receiving, a short course of one session a week for 4 to 6 weeks will give you a better opportunity to experience what health and well-being benefits reflexology might offer to you. Some long- standing health issues may require an extended course, however , responses are individual and some issues may clear quickly. Your progress will be discussed with you to agree the best progression of the treatment, and it may be beneficial to continue to receive regular treatments, perhaps on a 4 to 6 week basis , once your initial course of treatments is completed.

 Complementary therapy does not profess to cure or treat specific illnesses.



Pregnancy is the natural condition of childbearing. It brings great changes not only in the body but also in the emotions  of the mother. Balance and harmony enable us to attain and maintain health and well-being , and that’s why reflexology is a popular therapy used by women during their maternity because it helps to improve general well-being and vitality. Reflexology helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation so your body can adjust to the changes which are taking place during pregnancy. Reflexology continues to establish its popularity by the effective results. Research studies have demonstrated that those receiving regular reflexology during pregnancy have better pregnancies , shorter birthing with less intervention. Receiving regular treatments during the pregnancy may also help to deliver closer to the term .

Reflexology may help relieve the following symptoms during pregnancy:


  • Morning sickness ,

  • reduce and normalize high/ low blood pressure ,

  • reducing swelling in feet and ankles

  • Nausea and headaches ,

  • Backache  and discomfort ,

  • Stress ,anxiety ,

  • Help to improved sleep quality ,

  • Digestive problems


There are some conditions where reflexology should be avoided during pregnancy:
Pre-term labour (less than 37 weeks pregnant), Placenta Previa (low lying placenta) , Polyhydramnios( where is too much amniotic fluid around the baby during pregnancy)

Reflexology is also beneficial post-natal

Postnatal reflexology is a relaxing therapy that can help to restore balance to the body . It can help with:

  • Coping with interrupted sleep

  • Restore &Increase energy levels

  • Maintaining or increasing milk supply

  • Support your natural menstrual cycle

  • Re-balance the body

  • Helps to stabilize body weight

  • Helps with  post-natal depression



Reflexology can help not only you but also your baby. Reflexology may help to :

  • relive colic,

  • wind & constipation

  • eases teething pain, enhances sleep,

  • Calms and relaxe

 Reflexology is a  natural therapy which enhance well-being  . During reflexology a pressure is applied by a reflexologist to specific  points on the feet. The points on the feet correspond to a specific organ of the body. This may help to settle the baby and help with their well being. Happier baby  AND  Happier you. 


Articles which may be of interest

Daily Mail - Women who suffered three miscarriages becomes mother of two after using reflexology




Reflexology has been used for centuries to benefit health and wellbeing and that it has been used to aid fertility and conception and it still use to this day. There is a stage in our life when we start to reflect about having a family and what it means to us to become a mother or a father .

During reflexology a pressure is applied by a reflexologist to specific  points on the feet. The points on the feet correspond to a specific organ of the body. Polycystic ovaries, cervical problems, premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalances, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, endometriosis problems have shown  (in some cases) improvement from reflexology treatment.


Reflexology may also help couples with fertility problems by :


  • promoting blood circulation ,

  • balancing the hormone production necessary for conception to happen

  • promoting good health and balance in the reproductive organs.

  • may help to regulate periods,

  • promote ovulation,

  • reduce PMS

  • help increase sperm quality and quantity.


Fertility problems can be very stressful and reflexology can aid relaxation needed to help the body to return to its natural balance ready for parenthood.

Ideally 2-3 months is the best time for couples to start preparing for parenthood, as it takes time to produce healthy sperm and about 1-3 month for a healthy egg. Ideally both the male & female partners would have treatments , but initially working with one partner can be the first option. Reflexology can be used to help reduce stress and help with well-being for couples who decided to have IVF .

In order to address fertility issue, a reflexology will work through the reflexology points specific to the clients area(s) of health concern, such as:

ovaries , lymphatic system, immune system, uterus ,

circulatory system , neurological system (stress, anxiety) , endocrine system (hormone balance) , liver (toxin release and hormone balance) , kidneys (libido)

Articles which may be of interest

Daily Mail - Is Reflexology the new cure for infertility? Mail




Meadow Gardens



Tel: 07884323061

E-mail :

Mobile treatments available in the comfort of your own home ,  in my treatment room in Norwich or in Complementary Health Care Clinic 34 Exchange St, Norwich . 

Please let me know your preference . 

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Katie made me feel relaxed and welcome at Sanctuary Reflexology, and her friendly cheerful manner gave me confidence in her. The reflexology treatment was excellent. I was soon very relaxed and sleepy . The light touch was great and did not tickle. Katie was able to pin point problem areas in my feet that related to my body which I had forgotten to tell her about and I was very impressed with that. I can highly recommend Katie for your reflexology and reiki treatments. Angie X

I would like 2say I initially was drawn to Catherine through a Facebook advert for eyelash extensions. I have had quite an ill Xmas through Insomnia, Back Pain, Stress & Colitus. So when read that Catherine does Reflexology I thought I would give it a 1st try. I felt very comfortable & dropped off during treatment. Thanks to Catherine she was able to detect that My Thyroid was not working properly causing a knock on effect on my health. She has given Me some very helpful & useful points which I'm grateful for & will heed. I'm also finding a far better (although still staggered) deeper sleep is starting to happen (only My 2nd nites sleep since treatment) but feeling more energised than if I'd taken sleeping pills). Thank- You so much Jules xx  

Hi Katy,

Thank you for the Reflexology treatment last week. I just wanted to let you know that the swelling to my knee is almost gone and the pain is reduced by at least 50%.  I have not felt so positive in weeks, thank you so much. Looking forward to my next appointment @ Monday.  Helgaxx

Katie has done my HD Brows and lashes on my next visit . This completely change my face , I love my new brows xx , you were very profession and helpful , you let me ask million questions and show me how I should do my brows at home. You are very friendly and I will definitely recommend you to my friends. Sophie x

Katy is a very friendly and immediately makes you feel comfortable. My first experience at Reiki Healing and I will definitely be having this again cannot recommend it enough Tamzin x

© 2017 by Katy N. All rights reserved.

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